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28 Days of Radical Self Love
Welcome to the 28 days of Radical Self Love
Hello and Welcome (7:36)
Tips before you get started!
Instructions on how to do EFT
Days 1- 6 the Pillar of Trust
Days 1-6 Instructions
Introduction to Trust audio clip
EFT practice- Trust (video to tap along with) (22:58)
Exercise to do- Mind Map (self trust wounding)
Mirror work audio clip
Meet your Inner Wise Being audio clip
Exercise to do- Life Pie Chart
Days 7- 13 the Second Pillar- Acceptance
Days 7-13 Instructions
Introduction to Acceptance audio clip
EFT practice- Acceptance (video to tap along with) (23:46)
Releasing Ritual Instructions
CBT for self acceptance document
Days 14-18 Communication
Days 14-18 Instructions
Introduction to Communication audio clip
EFT practice - Communication (video to tap along with) (29:40)
Love Languages- an exercise in self love
"I'm sorry, please forgive me" meditation Instructions
Doing "the work" by Katie Byron (challenging the story)
CBT examples of Negative Self talk
Meet the Inner Critic audio clip
Communication Life Pie chart example
Days 19-24 Appreciation
Days 19-24 Instructions
Introduction to Appreciation audio clip
EFT practice- Appreciation (video to tap along with) (18:32)
Introducing Maya Angelou (bio and "phenomenal woman")
Poetry Prompts and Maya Angelou speaking on Love
Commitment Ceremony prompts/tips for vows
Commitment Ceremony
Days 25-28 Responsibility
Days 25-28 Instructions
Introduction to Responsibility audio clip
EFT practice- Responsibility (video to tap along with) (16:07)
Introducing Carl Jung
Meeting the Inner Child audio clip
Self Forgiveness audio clip
Prompts for "Spending Time with the Inner Kid" and "Writing a Letter" for the Inner Kid
Thank you and take excellent care of this precious one that you are!
Goodbye and Closing voice note
Prompts for "Spending Time with the Inner Kid" and "Writing a Letter" for the Inner Kid
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